We are meeting in-person at the centre for our activities, and will continue sharing them on Zoom unless otherwise indicated:
Meeting ID: 838 6426 2659
Passcode: 311753
To join by telephone: 438-809-7799
Membership and donations ensure the sustainability and flourishing of our Centre as well as supporting our resident lama. Please give what you can.
All activities are presented, explained, taught and led by Acharya Choying Gyurmey, our resident lama, unless otherwise stated.

Sunday, September 1st, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Protector Day
Mahakala Puja
Mahakala Bernagchen is a Wisdom Deity, a Bodhisattva whose wrathful manifestation is an expression of skillful means to subdue harmful forces affecting beings, personally and globally.
By donation

Mondays, September 9, 16, 23, and 30, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Beginner Tibetan Class with Miriam Paknys under the direction of Acharya Chöying Gyurmey
Miriam Paknys offers a beginner-level course in Tibetan colloquial and dharma vocabulary and conversation. The course introduces the letters and sounds of Tibetan, dharma words from prayer texts, and basic dialogues (introduce yourself and others, where you live, people you know, things you have, everyday expressions, and basic needs).

Wednesdays, September 4 and 25, 7 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Chenrezig and Amitabha Sadhanas
Love, compassion, joy, and wisdom—together known as bodhicitta—are the indivisible nature of the Buddha’s enlightened mind. Chenrezig (Skt. Avalokiteshvara), the Buddha of Infinite Compassion, is the embodiment of these virtuous qualities.
Through the practice of Amitabha, the Buddha of Boundless Light, beings, especially those with faith, are guided to rebirth in Dewachen (Skt. Sukhavati), the pure realm of immaculate happiness, joy, and bliss.
By donation

Thursdays, September 5, 12, 19, and 26, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Intermediate Tibetan Class
Registration for this Intermediate class is now open to new participants. The prerequisite to join this class is to be able to read The Heart Sutra. One does not have to read the text fluently but must be able to make out each word, even haltingly. It is not required to know the meaning of each word. That will come!

Saturday, September 7, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
King of Aspiration Prayers
Recitation of The King of Aspiration Prayers: Samantabhadra’s “Aspiration to Good Actions” (Zangchö Mönlam)
The recitation of the Aspiration Prayer (Monlam) is made to spread the seeds of loving kindness and pure motivation, to activate their power, and hence bring about genuine peace, love, happiness, and well-being in the world. ~ 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
By donation

Saturdays, September 7, 14, and 28, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. (in French) and
Sundays, September 8, 15, and 29, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. (in English)
An In-depth Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
Instructor: Pierre Orgyen Cardinal
A 15-week program designed for both beginning and more advanced students. Pierre Orgyen Cardinal, a senior student of Buddhism, will lead this course under the guidance of Acharya Chöying Gyurmey, our resident lama. IN PERSON ONLY

Sundays, September 8 and 15, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Shamatha (calm abiding meditation)
By donation

Sunday, September 8, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Class for children and youth
Led by Acharya Chöying Gyurmey and Chenling Ding
- The class will begin with a short prayer.
- Acharya will then give basic meditation instructions.
- Acharya and Chenlin will facilitate a sharing of ideas about the Buddha and the Buddha’s teachings.
- The youth will be shown how to do the yoga sun salutation.
- The class will conclude with a short moment of reflection and dedication.
By donation
Note to Parents: Each child should bring a yoga mat.
Please bring vegetarian food to share for a potluck lunch after the class.

Wednesday, September 11, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Medicine Buddha Day
Medicine Buddha Sadhana
Medicine Buddha is the practice of physical, psychological, and spiritual healing. This Healing Buddha practice reveals the true cause of any affliction.
By donation

Friday, September 13, 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Guru Rinpoche Day
Kunchok Chidu Sadhana, Guru Rinpoche Tsok Offering and Practice
Prayers to Padmansambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, are considered increasingly powerful in these difficult times. He is often invoked for protection and to remove obstacles. Sadhana Könchok Chidu is one of the most profound Guru Yoga practices leading to the accomplishment of the spirit of Guru Rinpoche. It helps to avoid spiritual obstacles and calms any negativity on the path to enlightenment.
*Every 10th day of the lunar months is dedicated to Guru Padmasambhava. Indeed, although he is never separated from those who have faith in him, he has promised that on this day he will definitely appear to us, “in person” so to speak.
By donation

Saturdays, September 14 and 28, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
In person only, not shared on Zoom
Dharma Book Club
We are studying the book Excellent at the Beginning by Ven. Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche, (available at the Centre’s bookstore). This month, Acharya Chöying Gyurmey leads us to a profound understanding of the Six Perfections.
By donation

Sunday, September 15, 11:30 to 1 p.m.
Buddhism for the Curious
The story of the life of Buddha, his quest, and the path of liberation from suffering that he taught will be presented by a member of Rigpe Dorje Centre. There will be a short introduction to calm-abiding meditation.
This introductory workshop is for people who are curious about Buddhism or only know a little about it and would like to learn more.
By donation

Wednesday, September 18
Full Moon Day In person only, not shared on Zoom
6:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. Sojong, Treasury of Blessings, Heart Sutra, Lamp Offering
8:00 a.m. Breakfast (Please bring some food or drink to share).
Sojong is a short ritual for taking the eight Mahayana vows of a lay practitioner for a single day. These vows are to be taken before sunrise and include not eating after your midday meal.
The Treasury of Blessings Sadhana
A simple and beautiful meditation on Sakyamuni Buddha that anyone can practice. This practice was revealed by Mipham Rinpoche in the 19th century. It combines visualization, mantra chanting, and meditative absorption. We can experience peace, clarity of mind, and the blessings of the Buddhas through this meditation. By reflecting upon the qualities of the Buddha and resting the mind in the recitation of mantras, we can pacify destructive emotions and sow the seeds for enlightenment.
The Heart Sutra
“The Sutra of the Heart of the Transcendent Perfection of Wisdom” or “The Heart Sutra” in short, encapsulates the topic of the Prajnaparamita (Transcendent Perfection of Wisdom) Sutra on the unerring paths of methods taught in all Sutras. The infallible meaning of the entire essence of the vast and profound Prajnaparamita Sutra is brought together here in this one Sutra—The Heart Sutra. When listening, contemplating, and meditating on The Heart Sutra are practiced to their ultimate end, the great unsurpassable knowledge naturally and directly manifests. All sufferings are completely pacified. The unequalled states of liberation and omniscience of Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas are attained. As a result, one shall definitely abide in the undeceiving Genuine Reality.
The Lamp Offering is a practice done with the aspiration that the light of loving kindness, compassion, and understanding may dispel all personal and global obstacles.
By donation

Saturday and Sunday, September 21 and 22, 10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Steadying the Buddha Within: Discovering Ultimate Reality through the Mahamudra Lineage Prayer.
Teaching, Q/A and application
Khenpo Karma Tenkyong
Teaching in English with French and Chinese simultaneous translation.
In person and shared on Zoom. Please register to receive the Zoom link.
In this special teaching, Khenpo Karma Tenkyong will guide us through the rich history and significance of the Mahamudra Lineage Prayer, offering insights and practical advice for integrating its wisdom into our daily lives.
The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer is a powerful tool for revealing our Buddha nature. Through this ancient prayer, we discover the wisdom and techniques to recognize our true nature, cultivate inner peace and stability and awaken to the freedom and compassion of the enlightened ones.

Friday, September 27, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Dakini Day
Green Tara Practice
The all-victorious Saviouress manifests 21 emanations to help beings. Tara vanquishes obstacles and fear and protects those in danger and difficulty who call to her. The Green Tara prayer and recitation of the 21 Tara Praises avert and dispel obstacles.
By donation

Sunday, September 29, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Tea meditation
Led by Acharya Choying Gyurmey and Tea Master Vivian Li
A tea meditation involves being mindful and present during all aspects of the tea ritual including making the tea, drinking the tea, and being aware of the environment and the effects on your mind and body. You can practice tea meditation any time during the day. It’s an example of how to apply meditation in daily life.
By donation
Afterwards, please join us for a potluck lunch. (Bring vegetarian food to share).